Tag: heat gain

  • A typological study of slum settlements in Hyderabad

    A typological study of slum settlements in Hyderabad

    Exploring the Impact of Housing Quality and Settlement Form Typologies on Heat Vulnerability in the city’s informally built areas Heat and the city’s built environment intersect and interact at different scales. A granular understanding of built-environment conditions of informal settlements is required to inform interventions and policies.  Current policy documents including the Hyderabad’s Heat Action…

  • Modeling Heat Gain Scenarios in an Informal Settlement Using Volumetric, Material-specific Building Information

    Abstract and executive summary Data, simulation and analysis around heating in urban areas, especially in the Global South and even more so their informal settlements, is not commensurate with concerns about the same. While remote sensing and simulated heat island effects give us some glimpses into potential heat gains in the broader urban fabric, fine-grained…